Town of Newburgh, Maine

Town Forms
Building Permits are required in the Town of Newburgh. For questions on permits, please contact Travis Gould- Code Enforcement Officer.
The land use application is submitted to the planning board. One would need to complete this application if they were opening a business, a commercial gravel pit and more. For more information on if this is the correct application for you, please email the planning board at
The homestead exemption provides a reduction of up to $25,000 in the value of your home for property tax purposes. To qualify, you must be a permanent resident of Maine, the home must be your permanent residence, you must have owned a home in Maine for the twelve months prior to applying and an application must be filed on or before April 1 with the municipality where the property is located. The exemption applies to any residential property that is assessed as real property. For instance, a mobile home located on a rented lot may qualify for the exemption.
Persons who wish to apply for General Assistance may do so at 2220 Western Ave. in Newburgh during the following days and times:
Monday: 9 to 3
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8 to 3
In an emergency, applicants may contact Cynthia Grant at 207-570-1914.
The municipality’s General Assistance Administrator must issue a written decision regarding eligibility to all applicants within 24 hours of receiving an application.
The Department of Human Services toll-free telephone number to call with a question regarding the General Assistance Program is: 1-800-442-6003.
The full General Assistance notice may be read here: Newburgh General Assistance
A veteran who served during a recognized war period and is 62 years or older; or, is receiving 100% disability as a Veteran; or, became 100% disabled while serving, is eligible for $6,000 reduction in value of your home for property tax purposes.
This form is for rental of the Town Facilities. You would use this form to rent the gym or meeting spaces.